The Punjab Emergency Service (Rescue 1122) initially started as an Emergency Ambulance
Service on 14th October, 2004 as a pilot project from Lahore. After the success of this
pilot project, Emergency Ambulance Service has been established in all 37 Districts &
Tehsils of Punjab while expansion of the Emergency Service to other provinces is rapidly underway.
Although Rescue & Fire Services were also established subsequently, over 97% calls are still
related to Emergency Ambulance Service. The main beneficiaries of this Service have been the
victims of road traffic accidents whom earlier people were afraid to help due to legal complexities.
It was for the first time that Emergency Medical Technicians were trained for this emergency
ambulance service and emergency ambulances of international standards were manufactured in
Pakistan. This training and indigenous fabrication of ambulances made this project cost-effective
and sustainable resulting in success of Rescue 1122. The Service has so far rescued over 15.9
million victims of accidents, emergencies and disasters while maintaining an average response
time of less than 8 minutes and uniform standards in all 37 Districts of Punjab. Most of the
injured beneficiaries of this Service include young earning bread winners of the society.
Copyrights © Emergency Services Department (Rescue 1122)